2023 - Volume 6 [Issue 2]

Case Report

Hypofibrinogenemia Revealing Localized Intravascular Coagulopathy in a Child with Venous Malformations: A Case Report

H. Kouame, H. Bencharef , M. Nady, B. Oukkache

Page: 114-119

Penetrating Vertebral-Medullary Wound by Ballistic Weapon: A Clinical Cases and Literature Reviewer

J. Fondop , T. F. Atemkem , N. D. Banga , D. F. Dikongue , Amougou Boris , A. C. Djam , Dogmo Arlette , V. P. Djientcheu , S. Fuentes

Page: 149-153

Folliculotropic Mycosis Fungoides with Alopecia and Eruptive Comedones in an Adolescent Boy

Marwa Asermouh , Chaimae Ait Khabba , Mariame Meziane , Nadia Ismaïli , Laila Benzekri , Karima Senouci

Page: 154-159

Case Study

Congestive Cardiac Failure in a Case of Fanconi Anaemia: Usual Presentation in a Rare Disease

Sanket Bhadra, Archita Jain, Jitendra Joshi Jr., Vyas K. Rathaur

Page: 110-113

Vitamin D Deficiency and Sickle Bone Disease: A Case Report

Sakshi Jain, Aarjuv Majmundar, Vedangi Desai, Jitendra D. Lakhani , Dharmendra Vatsaraj

Page: 120-124

Ischemic Stroke in a Young Adult Patient: Excess of Factor VIII

W. Machrouh , M. A. Fehdi , Y. Hafiani, A. Nsiri, R. AlHarrar, H. Kouame, H. Bencharef, B. Oukkache

Page: 125-129

Minocycline-induced Diplopia in Philadelphia Chromosome-positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Ph+ALL): A Case Report

Zeeshan Ahmed Khattak , Muhammad Ayaz Mir, Danyal Ahmad Ghani, Nishad Gul

Page: 144-148

Ano Rectal Plasmablastic Lymphoma in HIV Positive Patient - A Case Report

Temesgen Assefa Ayele , Ephrem Haile Gebreyesus

Page: 228-232

Multicentric Castleman Disease: A Rare Case of Generalised Lymphadenopathy in India

Jemima Islam , Md. Karimulla Mondal , Vaibhav Agarwal , Sumit Kumar Ghosh , Soumitra Ghosh

Page: 233-238

Original Research Article

Haematological Alterations in Heat-Stressed Male Wistar Rats

Onyinye Ukamaka Umeh, Bruno Chukwuemeka Chinko

Page: 90-97

Disparities in the Susceptibilities of ABO and Rh Blood Antigens to Severe Plasmodium falciparum in Children Under Five Years; A Cross-Sectional Study among Rural Dwellers, North East Region, Ghana

Charles Nkansah, Felix Osei-Boakye, Samuel K. Appiah , Kofi Mensah , Samira Daud , Vital G. Abuku , Gabriel Abbam , Dorcas Serwaa , Charles A. Derigubah , Simon B. Bani, Hisham Alhassan Osumanu , Thea Kangkpi , Yeduah Quansah , Francis Atoroba Apodola , Michael O. Tetteh , Candy Adwoa Ewusiwaa Wilson , Richard V. Duneeh

Page: 98-109

Effects of HBV and HCV on Haematological Features

W. Moore-Igwe, Beatrice , Nwika Goodnews Nkabari , Lenox-Prince, Tamunonengiye-Ofori , Ekprikpo, Erens Spiff

Page: 130-135

Population Based Haematological Reference Ranges for Adults in Nigeria: An Update

Clinton Ezema , Tilako B. Halilu , Amaechi I. Mba , Rahila Amon , Nonyelum V. Anoh , Ada J. Chineke , Eyiuche D. Ezigbo

Page: 136-143

Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activities of Aqueous Extract of Cassia spectabilis Stem Bark against Thioacetamide Mediated Oxidative Stress Induced Hepatic Damage

Amah Akuma Kalu , Eberechukwu Lolly Mbanaso , Onwuka Kelechi Collins , Ubani Clement Dimgba , Chris Akunneh-Wariso

Page: 160-164

Antioxidative Potential of Foetal Haemoglobin in Sickle Cell Disease

Yusuf Ishaya Dogonzo , Christopher Chimaobi Onyeabor , Chiamaka Martha Oru , Ogochukwu Dorothy Owusi , Richard Chukwuebuka Ozor , Otude Ebubechi , Onyehara Esther Chizaram , Oparaji Blessing

Page: 179-184

Effects of Co-administration of Ethanol Extracts of Gongronema latifolium and Tapinanthus bangwensis Leaves in Male Albino Wistar Rats

Nkereuwem U. Nyah , Itoro N. Willie , James O. Effiong , Okon O. Effiong , Ekemini J. Obosi , Ukeme A. Essien , Idongesit A. James

Page: 185-191

From One-Time to Lifelong Giving: A Qualitative Inquiry into Blood Donors' Perceptions

Seif S. Khalfan , Deodatus Kakoko , Jeremie Minani , Sultan Muki

Page: 192-202

Assessment of Some Haematological and Iron Status Parameters among Primary School Pupils in Abiakpo Ikot Essien, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

Ndueghe Ebenezer Nkom , Beauty Eruchi Echonwere –Uwikor , Evelyn Mgbeoma Eze

Page: 218-227

Anemia among Reproductive Age Women in Bangladesh: Epidemiological Insights, Determinants, Clinical and Socio-Economic Implications

Shib Shangkar Mondal , Sharmin Akter, Sazin Islam, Md. Mithu Mia

Page: 239-243

Contributing Factors to the Occurrence of Stroke in Sub Saharian Sickle Cell Homozygous Patients

Mohamed Keita, Moussa Seck , Sokhna Aissatou Touré , Elimane Seydi Bousso , Alioune Badara Diallo, Blaise Felix Faye, Saliou Diop

Page: 252-258

Malaria Parasite Density and Anaemia in Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Consultation in the Regional Hospital Bamenda, Cameroon

Calvin Bisong Ebai , Cedric Yamssi, Flore Nguemaïm Ngoufo, Omarine Nfor Nlinwe, Felicite Natacha Etindele Ebongue, Odelia Kwende-Tanjong Lum, Helen Kuokuo Kimbi

Page: 264-274

Effect of Allium sativum (Garlic) Extract on Hematological Parameters in Diabetes-induced Male Wistar Albino Rats

Anyanwu, R. O., Onochie, A. U., Oladejo, A. A.

Page: 275-280

Review Article

Acquired Von Willebrand Syndrome: A Review

Danyal Ahmad Ghani , Muhammad Ayaz Younas Mir

Page: 165-178

Effects of Occupational Chemicals Exposure on Diabetes Mellitus: A Review

Efreti F. Effiong , Itoro F. Usoh , Utibe E. Ekpenyong , Victor P. Udoh , Victoria E. Okure

Page: 203-217

Influence of Thyroid Hormones on Haemostasis

Kavitha Thilak, Sukesh

Page: 244-251

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